![MainBanner Image](http://web.tradekorea.com/minisitebanner/194/178194/hunacosmetic_top.jpg?timestamp=1509069037883)
The Huna Daily Pottle is a home clinic that combines microsoft-sized micro micro micro, micro, and ultra-specific patents into cosmetic products. After the launch of the product in 2016, the product quality of the product is recognized and the aesthetic line of the hyu na wikeulli toksseu ui eun iljuil jeok euro doe ha myeon.could help improve skin treatments once a week. It added ‘ Yellow Kaming Complex ’ to help minimize skin heating, redness and microstructure, which is essential for physical aging. It helps control redness and redness of the skin, which has been extracted from five yellow plants, such as gold and sulfur. " I'm going to launch a " marathon " to challenge cosmetics on the surface of cosmetics and cosmetics, and I can easily experience the nutritional effects of my skin and cosmetics at home, and I can easily experience the effects of my skin at home. "
Company Profile
- Business Type Trading Company
- Year Established 2016
- Location South Korea
- Main Markets -
- Total Employees 0 People
- Homepage www.hunacell.co.kr